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January 31, 2007


Michael Ansaldo

Magic! Do we know if he ever returned to duty? I was going to ask why a guy like that becomes a cop in the first place, but now I think I have the answer...

Dan E

I know he never got his old beat back, but I have no idea beyond that what happened. I even googled his full name while writing this, but couldn't find a damn thing.


A question completely off topic, but shouldn't the blog be called "Ma" Vie en Robe(or possibly Mon, I don't remember enough high school french to tell you which is grammatically correct)? I know that the song which this alludes to is "La" but your life is "en robe" and sadly mine is not...

Greg Barbera


it's been seventeen years since Dr. Feelgood was released?


Dan E

Going on eighteen, actually -- it came out in September '89.

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Dan Epstein

  • About Me
    Dan Epstein is the author of Big Hair and Plastic Grass: A Funky Ride Through Baseball and America in the Swinging '70s and Stars and Strikes: Baseball and America in the Bicentennial Summer of '76, both published by Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press. He writes about baseball, music and other cultural obsessions for a variety of outlets and publications. He lives in Greensboro, NC, and is available for speaking engagements.